Compounded Oral Drench for Coccidiosis and Enteritis in Pigs

Compounded Oral Drench for Coccidiosis and Enteritis in Pigs

Compounded Oral Drench for Coccidiosis and Enteritis in Pigs


Compounded Oral Drench for Coccidiosis and Enteritis in Pigs

A ready-to-use oral drench with four compounded active ingredients targeting the lifecycle of Cystoisospora suis, D‑Cyst™ is prescribed for pigs in the farrowing crate that have coccidiosis and enteritis. It is available with a veterinary prescription.

D-Cyst has a recommended 100-day withdrawal period.

Also available in an antibiotic-free option

VPS also produces a ready-to-use, antibiotic-free oral drench with three active ingredients, which is still effective in treating coccidiosis in pigs.

D-Cyst ABF has a recommended 100-day withdrawal period.

D-CYST Oral Drench

Compounded Oral Drench for Coccidiosis and Enteritis in Pigs

A ready-to-use oral drench with four compounded active ingredients targeting the lifecycle of Cystoisospora suis, D‑Cyst™ is prescribed for pigs in the farrowing crate that have coccidiosis and enteritis. It is available with a veterinary prescription.

D-Cyst has a recommended 100-day withdrawal period.

Also available in an antibiotic-free option

VPS also produces a ready-to-use, antibiotic-free oral drench with three active ingredients, which is still effective in treating coccidiosis in pigs.

D-Cyst ABF has a recommended 100-day withdrawal period.